Tax Increment Financing

The City is allowed to create Tax Increment Financing Districts for the purpose of redevelopment, economic development, and public infrastructure related to a project. Generally, the costs for development or redevelopment are fronted utilizing pay-as-you- go financing; once complete, the development is then reimbursed from the difference in property tax values between the original value of the property and the value after the project is completed. Projects must meet the “but for” test and align with the City’s Business Subsidy Policy, including specific hiring and wage goals.

Niki Hill, AICP

Economic Development Coordinator

Phone: 651-490-4658 Contact us to learn more

Category: Local, Financing Resources

BizRecycling is a program to help businesses in Ramsey County and Washington County start, expand, improve, and manage business recycling, including organic waste collection, such as food waste. We work with businesses of all sizes and types: restaurants, offices, multi-unit residential properties, schools, clinics, golf...
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Businesses participate in a nine-month long program with peer CEOs, including customized business research, as well as practical tools and techniques to help businesses grow. Privately-held businesses with 10-99 employees, annual revenue between $1 to $50 million, and show a potential for job creation and...
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Provides financing to help add new workers and retain high- quality jobs in industrial, manufacturing, and technology-related industries. Funds are awarded to local units of government who provide loans to assist expanding businesses.Projects must meet minimum criteria for private investment, number of jobs created or...
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The Job Creation Fund provides awards of up to $500,000 and capital investment rebates of up to $500,000 for qualifying businesses. The program is available to businesses engaged in manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, technology-related industries, and other eligible activities. Companies must work with the local...
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The City of Shoreview works to build a strong business community by supporting business growth, retention, expansion and attraction. We provide education and networking opportunities and provide communication between businesses and city officials. In addition, Ramsey County’s Open to Business program has been designed to...
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Ramsey County Workforce Solutions supports the success of area businesses through quality workforce development services. With access to over 25,000 job candidates, Workforce Solutions will help find your next staff member or up-skill your current workforce. Services are free and made available by the public workforce and economic development...
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Loans meant to serve as gap financing and designed to leverage other financing programs and private financing provided by the commercial banking community.   Projects must align with the City’s Revolving Loan Fund Policy, including specific hiring and wage goals.
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The City is allowed to refund a portion of a company’s property taxes for a set period of time when a company makes improvements on vacant land or a building that will result in higher property taxes being paid.  Projects must meet the "but for"...
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